Outlook 2010 Setup Guide

  1. Click File, then click Add Account

  2. Select Manually Configure Server settings, click Next

  3. Select Internet Email, click Next

  4. On this screen you will need to enter your account settings

    User Information
    - Your Name:Your Name/Business name” (this will be displayed as the sender for the account)
    - Email Address: “you@yourbusiness.com.au” (this is the email address supplied by Zwift)

    Server Information
    - Account Type: Select IMAP
    - Incoming mail server: enter mail.zwiftmail.com
    - Outgoing mail server:
    enter mail.zwiftmail.com

    Logon Information
    - User Name: you@yourbusiness.com.au” (this is the email address supplied by Zwift)
    - Password: Secure Password Supplied by Zwift (tick Remember password *optional*)

  5. Click More Settings then Outgoing Server tab. Tick My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication, select Use same settings as my incoming mail server

  6. Click Advanced tab. Tick This server requires and encrypted connection (SSL).
    Incoming Server (IMAP):
    Make sure it is set to 993
    Outgoing Server (SMTP): make sure it is set to 465 with SSL encryption type - The image below is incorrect

    Click OK

  7. Click Next on Add New Email Account window
  8. Click Finish